Despite the title of this post, this is not another analogy between long-term investing and the story of the tortoise and the hare. Instead, in the trading world a Turtle is known as a protégé of Richard Dennis and William Eckhardt, who ran a Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) business in Chicago during the 1970’s and 1980’s. These two traders conducted a trader training experiment based on disparate opinions on whether or not trading was an innate skill or could be developed. After the first round of successful training, another round of testing was completed with similar results. That is, the Turtle trader trainees were able to trade profitably using the set of rules taught by Dennis and Eckhardt. One of the trainees was Jerry Parker who went on to found and run Chesapeake Capital Management for the last few decades. His firm specializes in medium to long-term Trend Following trading principles that he learned while in the Turtle program. In a recent interview Parker highlight...
Price-based perspective on market behavior