The allure of trading will attract many to take a shot at becoming a professional in the craft but only those who truly love the process will ever succeed in the markets. In its simplest form, trading is a profession and like any other attempt to become a highly-skilled professional it will take time, discipline, and deliberate effort to accomplish profitability. Hard Work Malcolm Gladwell popularized the notion that it takes an individual roughly 10,000 hours of deliberate practice in order to become a master at a certain craft. Similarly, seasoned traders openly share the immense amount of screen time that is required to be put in over the years to become profitable . Simply put, trading takes hard work done consistently over many years. You must bring a blue collar mindset to your trading business by showing up each day for every trade, doing research, and putting forth your best effort routinely. Accumulating a lot of hours of screen time is a natural...
Price-based perspective on market behavior